Dear Neighbors,
As summer moves along, we know that many parents like us in our group are waiting to learn more about school plans for the Fall. Anticipating our children will be in school this Fall, we would like to ensure that all children, regardless of resources are able to access reusable masks. In an effort to ensure this we are partnering with the Metrowest Sewing group to make masks to distribute to families and children this summer. Our goal is to produce and distribute 1400 masks to children in Newton and neighboring towns.
Here is how you can help!
Donate clean 100% cotton fabric (no jersey and no flannel) by Friday, 7/31/20 to 51 Hyde Street, Newton Highlands, MA 02461
Sign up to here to
Purchase kits of bands needed to make mask for younger children (10 kits needed) Please ask for the kits to be delivered to 51 Hyde Street, Newton Highlands.
Join our team to sew masks. Shirley Chan, a member of our group has graciously volunteered to coordinate Newton mask makers and will work closely with Lynda from the Metrowest Sewing group to coordinate these efforts.
We also wanted to quickly update you on the diaper drive. In one short week you came through and have purchased or donated almost every diaper package requested by the families we are working with! We will still be collecting diaper packages through July 28th. Please drop off at 51 Hyde Street, Newton Highlands, MA.
As always, we are grateful for your generosity and support!
Newton Neighbors Helping Neighbors