Celebrating our graduates!
It's graduation season, a time to celebrate achievements, embrace new beginnings, and look forward to the future with hope and excitement. This month we are celebrating the college graduations of two of our former interns, Rose (Skidmore College) and Aaron (Tufts University). Congratulations to these fabulous young people and all the other students celebrating graduation milestones in Newton and beyond!
In more good news, Aaron will return to Newton Neighbors this summer with funding from a competitive student grant from the New England Public Health Training Center. He is one of only 13 to receive this award in New England! Aaron will be working on projects to support our outreach and communication efforts, including developing a communications portfolio for our organization and creating resources to share with our volunteers. Congratulations, Aaron! We are delighted to welcome you back to Newton Neighbors.

Graphing Calculators
Newton Neighbors will be officially kicking off its annual school supply drive next month–so stay tuned for more news in our July newsletter. Since graduation season is upon us, we are making a special request for graphing calculators ahead of our larger drive. Of particular use are the calculators used by Newton high school students, the TI-84 Plus CE. If you have a recent grad who won’t be needing their calculator, we will find it a new home. You can drop off calculators at 58 Rochester Road, Newton, in the box in the foyer. We will have additional school supply dropoff locations in July.

Call for Volunteers: Food Pantry Delivery
We are looking for volunteers who can help deliver groceries from our local food pantries to our neighbors who are unable to get to the pantries on their own.
Our schedule is:
Tuesdays from Centre Street Food Pantry. Pickup at 12 or 12:15 before the pantry opens to the public.
Wednesdays from Newton Food Pantry. Scheduled pickups between 12:15 - 2:45.
It usually takes about an hour of your time and makes a big difference to so many in our community!
Sign up for June here: https://volunteersignup.org/JWKQ4
Sign up for July here: https://volunteersignup.org/R349Y
Call for Volunteers: Freedge
Every Thursday, Newton Neighbors coordinates donations to the Newton Community Freedge, Newton Food Pantry’s community refrigerator and pantry initiative. Volunteer opportunities throughout the day include picking up donations from business partners and bringing them to the Freedge, shopping for items, and cleaning and maintaining the Freedge.
Located in the parking lot of Central Cleaners at 420 Watertown Street in Nonantum, the Freedge is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and offers free food and personal-care items to neighbors in need. Please sign up below to help on Thursdays:
Newton Juneteenth Celebration
The Newton Juneteenth Celebration returns to the Hyde Community Center, 90 Lincoln St, Newton, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm!
The Juneteenth Celebration Steering Committee, who plan and oversee Newton’s Juneteenth Celebration on behalf of FORJ, invites you to join us for this annual, fun, family event! This Celebration marks the national holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved Americans and invites all residents and visitors to celebrate African-American heritage and culture through food, music, dance, and story-telling. Our partners include the Newton Coalition of Black Residents and FORJ NNHS.
This year we feature the historic Myrtle Baptist Church to honor their 150 Year Anniversary. That’s a huge milestone and one that deserves recognition, especially as it coincides with Newton’s 150 Year Anniversary. The Myrtle Baptist Church Choir will take center stage for a headline performance.
The event is free and easily accessible by public transit. Register with Eventbrite to help us plan so you won’t miss the…
· Delicious Food Truck flavors of Zaz and Gourmet Kreyol!
· Children’s Reading with Story Starters!
· Free Face Painting!
· Children’s Reading with Myrtle’s Youth Pastor!
· African Drumming and Dance!
· DJ Firestarta Dance Party!
· Shopping over 20 Local Black-Owned Businesses!
We are grateful for the generous support from the Harmony Foundation, Village Bank and Newton Cultural Council.
Here are the ways you can get involved:
• Help fund the festivities! Please click here to donate.
• Are you a Black-owned business or a community partner? Request a booth here or email questions to vendor@forj.org.
• Want to help with preparations beforehand and/or join our fun crew on the day of the event? Volunteer here.
Help spread the word! Please share this information widely with friends and neighbors and, if you’re active on social media, please post about it!
· Follow us at https://www.instagram.com/forjnnhs/
· Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/forjnnhs/
More details available at https://www.forj.org/juneteenth